Hey everyone,

I want to introduce you to an extrodinary woman I got the chance to get to know through Instagram. Meet the one and only Danna Fink. Danna had been a customer of Indigo and Arrow's and messaged me one day complimenting and thanking me for making such beautiful pieces and sharing her story of why she cherished and loved each of the bracelets she purchased not only from Indigo and Arrow, but from other talented artisans that create bracelets as well. 

Danna has a rare neurological disorder called Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy or known as CIDP. It is a rare disorder of the peripheral nerves characterized by gradually increasing sensory loss of refluxes. This results in varying degree of paralysis. Danna was strolling through the streets of Cinque Terre, Italy,  when an overwhelimg panic gripped her. Her legs had fallen weak after days and she was struggling to bear her own weight. She had fallen many times and no way to explain to her family what she was experiencing or going through. Danna barley made it back to the states before full paralysis and absolute fear set in. It took weeks before the doctors came back with a diagnosis of CIDP. With early diagnosis, physical therepy, and regular treatment, people like Danna can regain and return to function and independence. As part of her recovery process she even had to relearn how to walk again. I can't even imagine stuggling through all of this and the fears of what her future could look like would be. 

After hearing Danna's incredible story and all that she has endured to get to where she is today, I was deeply moved. She expressed to me that she cherished bacelets and they had a deeper meaning then just wearing pretty bracelets. When she was unable to function she would wear bracelets and admire them and  knowing they were made with others hands just made them that more special beacuse she was a creative and crafty person before this. When Danna was in rehab and in the hospital she asked her husband of 30 years and her two children if they would wear Pura Vida bracelets everyday for her. Then everytme they saw it, it was a reminder to think of her and a reminder to pray for her. As she began to have vistors she would hand out bracelets with the same idea and intention in mind. With the strength of being the incredible woman she is, the support of family and friends, and her loving faith in God, Danna has made incredible progress. 

After hearing Danna's backstory I was deeply touched and I reached out to Danna and asked of she would like to collab and create some pieces she would help design and name in her honor and we would donate a portion of the sales to an organization of her choice to help bring attention to this rare disease. Danna was beyond excited, as was I. We began the design process.

Danna wanted to create pieces with a sunrise in mind and to have and expression or representation of a "breakthrough". She said universally people with CIDP say they enter a season of absolute darkness. Even if they aren't officially depressed, it is disheartening and unsetting to enter paralysis, in diagnosis and often takes a long time for doctors to diagnose. Once they are diagnosed and starts meds, they have a turn around and finally feel like they have had a breakthorugh and can see the light again. So we represent this in the main 2 row piece by using 2 white cords and one dark gray cord. Danna wanted to incorporate a sunrise color scheme and design to represent a "dawning of hope" as treatment begins and patients begin to feel the possibility of some sort of functionality, thus the sunrise. Being that Danna is such a beautiful, bubbly, and happy indivudual, we had to include silver bits to show the spark she has and carries and really gives both pieces the extra sparkly touch. The smaller one row bracelet (dainty) is a complimentary piece to the two row and looks beautiful when worn together with the other main piece. 

We have created these two pieces together in hope to bring attention to those who battle with CIPD, and I am hoping you will join Danna and myself and purchse a bracelet and wear to show your support. A portion of the profits will be donated to the Denver Metro Area food bank Danna and her husband run that feed 4,000 people. Bracelets will be availabe to purchase August 20, 2021 at 10 AM EST only on www.indigoandarrow.com you can check out what the pieces look like at @indigoandarrow or @dannaleafink on Instagram.

Danna has really touched me in more ways that I can say, but I feel so privileged she let me share her story with all of you. Alot of people take the simple things for granted and at any moment your life can drastically change. Having hope and faith and the support of loved ones can and help people get through their struggles. Battling Anxiety and many different forms of trauma, I found I easly and deeply related with alot of things Danna had said and it really hit home. Danna thank you for reaching out to me and touching my life and being the light you are. YOU encourage me and inspire me and I am hoping anyone reading feels the same. Never give up no matter what life throws at you. Even in the darkest of days just know better days are coming.  

For more information on CIDP & GBS, please visit: https://www.gbs-cidp,org

There is also a beautiful coordinating silk piece ( forge me knot bracelets) from Prettybyjl that will coordinate with these two Breakthrough Pieces from Indigo and Arrow and you can also view these on Danna's Instagram page.